While buying parts for the Coyote, Duke is arrested and taken to prison; the rest of the Joes must break him out before Flint and Lady Jaye track him down.
Featured Characters[]
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
G.I. Joe | Civilians |
Featured Vehicles & Equipment[]
G.I. Joe | Civilian | Others |
Items Of Note[]
- First appearance: Law & Order
- The Coyote's hologram mode cycles through a junky pickup, an ASP Delivery truck, and an ambulance.
- Snake-Eyes still has Zartan's bike and helmet.
- Scarlet poses as a pregnant loudmouth.
- Though no geographic location is given for this episode, Flint later refers to Duke's "little stunt in Idaho."[1]
G.I. Joe references[]
- Granger refers to the cage where the inmates are forced to fight as "the Arena of Sport."[2]