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Now that the Cobra Civil War has ended, a new, more ruthless Cobra Commander has stepped into place. But how much do we really know about this new Commander? There's only so much we can tell you! In this first-ever Cobra Annual, Cobra Commander's origin is finally revealed! Once a [CLASSIFIED] in the [CLASSIFIED], the Commander led a [CLASSIFIED] and stole from [CLASSIFIED] and [CLASSIFIED]. Soon, this caught the attention of Cobra. A choice was given: join us or die. Little did High Command suspect that [CLASSIFIED] would one day become the newest leader of Cobra.
โThe description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.
(2016) #0 |#1 |#2 |#3 |#4 |#5 | ROM #1 |#2 |#3 |#5 |(one-shot) | Action Man #2 |#3 |#4 |(one-shot) | Micronauts #4 |#5 |#6 |(one-shot) | The Transformers: Till All Are One #2 |#3 |#4 |(one-shot) | The Transformers #56 |#57 |(one-shot) | The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #56 |#57 |(one-shot) | M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand (one-shot) | G.I. Joe (one-shot)