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A female Range-Viper called Range-Viper #3. When Ambush is stalking the Vipers, he gets discovered by one. He later reports this to the fellow Joes. He says he was never discovered until now, which reminded him of a girl named Evy who lived near his childhood home. He said as a boy no matter how hard he tried at playing hide and seek, Evy could always hunt him down. She often left a message saying "I Found You...Evy". He said he last saw her shortly after graduating high school. It was implied that she was interested in a deeper relationship, but he had decided his future was more important as he left town to enlist in the U.S. Army. Ambush soon realizes Viper-3 is Evy. Confronting her, she says Ambush is partly to blame, as he left without thought for her feelings. Evy also realized there were serious problems in her life and American society, which caused her to be wooed by COBRA. Ambush is aghast that Evy would be bamboozled by the terrorist group, but cannot being himself to kill or capture her. I Found You...Evy
