The Cobra 'Copter is a Cobra vehicle from the A Real American Hero series.
Cobra banner

The Cobra 'Copter is a Cobra submersible helicopter. It flies like an ordinary helicopter, but when the need arises, it can travel underwater. While underwater, the main rotor is stopped while the rear rotor rotates towards the rear to become the propeller.


Comics continuity[]

Cobra Commander deployed a group of S.E.A. Legs backed up by Amphibious Assault Guns in an attack designed to stop the space shuttle from deploying a satellite that has the ability to detect their future network of Undersea Bases. Cobra Commander and the Baroness coordinated the battle from the Cobra 'Copter. G.I. Joe was defending the Space Shuttle and were able to stop the S.E.A. Legs and Amphibious Assault Guns. While the Joes were distracted, Cobra Commander fired off a missile towards the Space Shuttle, but Hawk shot the missile down with a rife before it could damage the Space Shuttle. The Cobra 'Copter retreated to his Undersea Base.[1]

