
Cobra's pursuit of the Joes continues, but new threats rise on Cobra Island and in Broca Beach.

Detailed summary

Shots in the Dark
Cobra Commander leads a squad of Paralyzer tanks to pursue the Joes, who retreat into a foggy forest. Cobra Commander takes a call from Zarana, who complains about Cesspool's Sludge plants on Cobra Island. Slice and Dice regroup with the surviving Red Ninjas at Destro's castle and head off into the woods, followed by Ninja Force.

As the Joes near the end of the forest, they spot Cobra's heat signatures, and Hawk and Flint discuss strategy. Flint reveals the laser targeting designator, which will mark targets for the Battle Wagon.

Meanwhile, back on Cobra Island, Zarana confronts Cesspool about the Sludge plants but has her Hammerhead dissolved by the toxic waste. In Trans-Carpathia, the Badger comes barreling out of the woods and is destroyed by Cobra, but Flint uses the laser targeting designator to give the Battle Wagon a clear shot on the Paralyzers.

As the Joes reach the border, Duke gives Flint new orders, and he meets his new team, the Eco-Warriors, Ozone, and Clean Sweep. Flint departs, leaving the other Joes to find their own way home.

Slice and Dice lead Ninja Force into an ambush by Red Ninjas, but Snake Eyes stops the attack by holding a sword to their leader's throat. Lastly, Cobra Commander is informed of a drug problem in Broca Beach, where Fred LXV is gunned down by Headman's Headhunters, who brag that the Feds can't be called in to help since the city is illegal.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra Ninjas Broca Beach

Featured Vehicles & Equipment

G.I. Joe Cobra

Featured Locations

Cobra Civilian

Memorable quotes

"According to this map, the Joes are heading for the border! If we follow this stream around the forest, we can get to the border before the Joes!"
"Brilliant idea... good thing I thought of it!"

--Sorry, S.A.W.-Viper, your idea just got stolen by Cobra Commander.

"You'd think there would be more jubilation after a clean sweep like this."
"When a soldier wins, somebody dies or something else gets destroyed, Big Ben. It's not something you can take a lot of satisfaction in and stay sane for too long."

--Big Ben is disappointed, but Hawk sets him straight.

Flint: "I can also infer from the garish hues of your outfits that this is not a covert operation!"
Clean-Sweep: "Affirmative on all counts! Polluters, defilers of rain forests and wasters of natural resources had best beware! And you don't get to be leader without a garish suit of your own!"
Ozone: "It's sludge-repellent as well as being made from recycled action figures!"

--The ideas may be stupid, but at least Larry Hama can still make fun of them.

Other Notes


  • Stalker is back in his Arctic gear. He must have changed clothes between issues.

Items of note

  • First appearance: Cesspool, Clean-Sweep, Ozone, Headman, Headhunters, Hammerhead, "Red Master."
  • A footnote is needed to explain what GPS is and how it works. Feel old yet?
  • Ozone says the uniforms are made from recycled action figures, but amusingly, none of the Eco-Warriors molds had ever been used before.
  • The Sean in Broca Beach isn't Sean Collins, which suggests that just as every Crimson Guard becomes "Fred," every Fred's family gets a "Sean."


  • The dossier in this issue features Hawk.

Real-world references

  • With his gray hair, facial scar, shoulderpads and giant gun, Cesspool looks like Cable. He even has a metal arm!
  • Fred LXV is watching The Punisher.
  • The front cover's blurb, "The Secret of the Sludge," is a reference to the second TMNT movie.

Footnotes and References
