
The attack on The Pit continues, as Cobra throws its newest BATs into the battle.

Detailed summary

Last Stand
Cobra Commander launches an attack on the Pit, sending a swarm of B.A.T.s to wreak havoc on the Joe's base. As the assault unfolds, he monitors the situation through a live video feed from the B.A.T.s.

Duke steps up to lead the defense, but despite his best efforts, Torpedo and Outback are injured. In a strategic move, the Joes lure the B.A.T.s into an explosive trap set by Tripwire, hoping to turn the tide of the battle.

Meanwhile, on Cobra Island, Firefly boasts about his success in brainwashing Snake Eyes. Unbeknownst to him, Snake Eyes has already overcome the mind control and liberated Storm Shadow as well.

As Firefly remains in the dark about the situation, the stage is set for a confrontation between the Cobra operatives and the freed ninjas.

Back at the Pit, Cobra Commander eagerly awaits the Joe's exit from the main ramp, anticipating their defeat. However, Duke cleverly sends a few Crossfires up the ramp as a distraction while the rest of the Joes stealthily make their way to the surface through ventilation ducts. Realizing the situation is not in his favor, Cobra Commander calls for air support and retreats from the battle.

As the situation on Cobra Island unfolds, Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes engage Firefly in combat while simultaneously working to free the rest of Ninja Force from the brainwashing.

In the ensuing chaos, Storm Shadow and the liberated Ninja Force manage to escape, leaving Firefly to be captured by Cesspool and Zarana. However, with the assistance of Slice and Dice, Firefly outwits his captors and takes Cesspool and Zarana hostage.

Upon Cobra Commander's return to the island, Firefly attempts to strike a deal with him, offering the island and his prisoners as leverage. However, Cobra Commander refuses to negotiate, declaring the attack on the Pit a resounding success.

With the radar suppressor's effectiveness proven and video evidence in hand, Cobra Commander reveals that he has grander schemes in mind, rendering the island and its inhabitants inconsequential to his plans.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra Ninjas

Featured Vehicles & Equipment

G.I. Joe Cobra Civilian
  • 747

Memorable quotes

  • None yet.

Other Notes


  • T'Jbang is shown speaking when the ninjas escape Cobra Island.
    • Maybe he was shocked out of it when they almost crashed mid-air.

Items of note

  • First appearance: Crossfire, Cobra Septic Tanks (Cesspool's
  • The B.A.T.s explode so hard they pop Cobra Commander's viewscreen - now that's an explosion!
  • All Snake-Eyes' previous costumes are seen - including his Vietnam uniform and his bandaged face.
  • Cobra Commander pulls a speaker off a Tele-Viper's helmet to use it like a phone.
  • Cobra Commander is back to trying to make money, not take over the world.


  • The dossier in this issue features Duke.

Real-world references

  • The vehicles that race out of the Pit's shuttle ramp are Crossfires, rare vehicles from 1986. The toys were radio controlled, just like the ones in this issue, and were sold in two versions with different radio control frequencies.
  • Cobra Commander likes to hear "Ride of the Valkeries" when he lands at Cobra Island.
  • The thing he's holding up at the end of the issue is a VHS tape - very cutting edge for the time.

Footnotes and References

