
The Joes fight in the BAT factory and Firefly struggles to retain control over the ninjas.

Detailed summary

Throwdown in the Citadel
Snake Eyes successfully counters Firefly's Scorpion tactic by targeting its tail, causing Firefly to crash to the ground. Meanwhile, Duke, Roadblock, and Lady Jaye face off against a squad of B.A.T.s, fighting their way into the citadel.

Upon learning that the Joes have infiltrated the perimeter, Firefly quickly informs Slice and Dice, ordering them to launch a counterattack.

As Snake Eyes slips away into the armory, Duke's team inadvertently discovers a B.A.T. assembly line. Before they can process their findings, Slice and Dice trap the Joes within the B.A.T. construction plant.

In a cunning move, Slice activates the newly built B.A.T.s, unleashing them on the unsuspecting Joes.

Within the armory, Snake Eyes clashes with a group of Red Ninjas and ultimately comes face to face with Firefly. Firefly, eager to broadcast the confrontation for all in the citadel to see, begins a live feed.

Undeterred, Snake Eyes executes the Arashikage mind set, a powerful technique that liberates Slice, Dice, and the Red Ninjas from Firefly's manipulative control.

With the B.A.T.s deactivated by Slice, the Joes find themselves freed from their robotic adversaries. United in their desire for vengeance, Slice, Dice, and the Red Ninjas set out to exact retribution on Firefly for his malicious brainwashing.

Snake Eyes, confident in their ability to handle Firefly, turns off the monitors and leaves the villain to face the consequences of his actions.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra

Featured Vehicles & Equipment


Memorable quotes

  • None yet.

Other Notes


  • No errors known.

Items of note

  • Final appearance of Firefly in the Marvel series.

Real-world references

  • Slice quotes A Clockwork Orange.

Footnotes and References

