
A former crazed Russian scientist devised a way to use artificial intelligence to crash asteroids into the Earth. Back on Earth, Cobra Commander heeds Destro's advice and decides to invade Wolkekuckuckland.

Detailed summary

Immovable Objects
The Space Brigade team embarks on a critical mission, joining forces with the Russian shuttle and the remaining members of the Oktober Guard and Red Star in space. They are informed of a colossal asteroid on a collision course with Earth, posing an imminent threat to humanity.

Meanwhile, in Trans-Carpathia, Destro and Zartan find themselves under Cobra's control once again, courtesy of Dr. Mindbender's implants. As Baroness and Billy attempt to flee the castle, they are captured when Destro triggers a transformation, leaving them exposed and vulnerable.

As the teams prepare for their mission, Red Star discloses to Roadblock that the asteroid's trajectory was altered by robotic worker drones, manipulated by a deranged architect. Sci-Fi and Daina cross paths, discovering they will both be serving as snipers during the crucial operation.

Back on Earth, Cobra Commander ponders his next target. Destro suggests Wolkekuckuckland for its financial and industrial prowess, which could be repurposed to manufacture Cobra weaponry.

Unbeknownst to them, Hawk and Stalker are in Wolkekuckuckland, advising General Liederkranz and his assistant Wolfgang. Liederkranz expresses concern over Cobra's growing influence, as they have already seized control of neighboring Borovia.

Destro wastes no time in asserting his power, launching a missile at the Darklonian castle and eliminating Darklon. Liederkranz and Hawk become acutely aware of the escalating situation in Trans-Carpathia.

Simultaneously, the Space Brigade and Russian team reach the asteroid, only to be confronted by hostile robot construction drones, further complicating their mission.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra Oktober Guard Others

Featured Vehicles & Equipment

G.I. Joe Cobra Russians
  • Oktober Guard Armor Bot
  • Oktober Guard shuttle
  • Worker drones

Memorable quotes

  • None yet.

Other Notes


  • No errors known.

Items of note

  • First appearance: Red Star; Armor Bot
  • Death of Darklon.
  • At last, the title returns to just "G.I. Joe," with no mention of Snake-Eyes.
  • Borovia borders Trans-Carpathia, Trans-Carpathia borders Darklonia, and Darklonia borders Wolkekuckuckland.
  • The return of Destro's chessboard - with new, updated pieces!
  • The Russian scientist behind Project "Drop Forge" is never named.
  • Though the plot seems superficially similar to the movie Armageddon, this issue came out four years prior to that film.

Real-world references

  • Roadblock says he saw Duke checking the O-rings. Faulty O-rings were responsible for the 1986 Challenger shuttle explosion.

Footnotes and References
