
The Joes are repairing The Pit after a major Cobra attack. Snake-Eyes flies off to bury Kwinn. The Joes attend General Flagg's funeral, Dr. Venom is buried in Potter's field and finally Major Bludd takes the badly burned Baroness to a Dr. Hundtkinder in Switzerland to repair her body.

Detailed summary

Like Chimney Sweepers Come To Dust...
Breaker and Clutch drive the V.A.M.P. to the Pit's remains, where they warn Hawk that the chaplain's assistants are back, which is going to make it harder to restore the Pit while still keeping it secret. Hawk corrects: the chaplain's assistants' presence will make them stay alert, and they aren't just going to "restore" the Pit, they are going to make it even better.

Underground, some Joes are reinforcing the Pit's support beams, a task for which Gung-Ho doesn't need any hammer, just his hands. Four levels down, at the living quarters, Snow Job tries to invite Cover Girl into a date and maybe even convince her to pay, but he's interrupted by Tripwire tripping and breaking all dishes.

Grunt drives Snake-Eyes in the A.P.C. to the Dragonfly, where Wild Bill awaits to carry him and Kwinn to the Eastern tip of Long Island, where he will receive an eskimo funeral.

In Cobra headquarters, Destro asks Cobra Commander why the new aircraft prototype, the Rattler, is being tasked into a mission when all the modifications and tests have yet to be completed. Cobra Commander answers that he knows about General Flagg's funeral next day in Arlington, a perfect chance to attack.

In Switzerland, Major Bludd brings the Baroness to Dr. Hundtkinder to perform reconstructive surgery on her.

The next day, in Arlington, is General Flagg's funeral. The Rattler arrives and is about to shoot the Joes, when two men riddle the aircraft, making it crash. The bigger man introduces himself as Roadblock, new heavy machine gunner of G.I. Joe. Rock 'n Roll thinks Roadblock must be a really tough guy, but Roadblock tells him that he'd be rather cooking than fighting, and if he wants to see a tough guy, that would be his partner, Duke, the new top-sergeant of the team.

At the Potter Fields cemetery, City Island, New York, "paupers and winos" are being buried. One of the men doing the work reads the name of one of the deceased and wonders what a doctor is doing in a place like this - it's Doctor Venom.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra Civilians Others
  • Army color guard (29)
  • Chaplain's assistants (1)

Featured Vehicles & Equipment

G.I. Joe Cobra

Featured Locations

G.I. Joe Cobra Civilian Military
  • Arlington National Cemetary
  • The Bern Institute of Reconstructive Surgery
  • City Island, New York
  • Montauk Point

Memorable quotes

"You know what they say; 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.'"
"Really? If I had known you felt--"
"--in your case, I grew fond of your absence."

--Scarlett never misses an opportunity to shoot down Clutch

Other Notes


  • Snow Job is colored with white hair.
  • In his first appearance, Dr. Hundtkinder's upper lip is pink, suggesting he's clean-shaven; in the next panel, it is uncolored, so he seems to have a thick mustache. The art suggests the bare lip is the error.
  • The "Rattler" in this issue looks nothing like any subsequent version of the craft. Then again, Destro did say it was a prototype.
  • Gung-Ho appears to be wearing the Marine dress uniform, but is colored green.

Items of note

  • First Appearances: Duke, Roadblock, Rattler attack aircraft
  • "Hundtkinder" means "wolf child" in German.
  • Having members of G.I. Joe work on renovating the Pit is a convenient way to keep the growing cast of characters manageable by keeping most of them busy while the story focuses on small teams away on missions.
  • Despite starting off on the wrong foot back in issue 11, Gung-Ho and Rock 'n Roll are getting on like old buddies at this point.
  • This issue was reprinted in the G.I. Joe vol. 3 and G.I. Joe: The Best of Duke trade paperbacks.

Real-world references

  • The issue's title is taken from the famous funeral song in Act IV, Scene 2 of William Shakespeare's Cymbeline:
Fear no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages:
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.

Footnotes and References
