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โ€œ No food. No water. No weapons. With only the survival skills he learned in commando training, Wallace Weems (a.k.a. Ripcord) fights an uphill battle to escape a hostile jungle and prevent a terrorist enclave from unleashing a terrible bio-weapon! If he lives, Ripcord just might earn Joe membership! โ€

โ€”The description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.

Detailed summary

  • Synopsis not yet written.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Civilians Others
  • Doctor (7)
  • Kurin (8)
  • Mercenaries (5)
  • Workers (6)

Memorable quotes

  • None yet.

Other Notes


  • No errors known.

Items of note

  • Death: Wallace W. Weems.
  • The named mercenaries are Jaeger, Tochi, and of course, Kurin.
  • The beans being harvested are not castor beans, but something 1,000 times deadlier.
  • The unnamed doctor is on the verge of saying "Cobra" when Kurin cuts him off.
  • Weems was apparently a Master Sergeant.

G.I. Joe references

  • Weems' quick interest in Scarlett is a nod to the movie.

Real-world references

  • The gas truck belongs to PetroSA, the Petroleum, Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa.

Footnotes and References
