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โ€œ Snake-Eyes alone against Slice and Dice at the top of the world! Helix at her most ferocious! And Iceberg and Alpine must try and make it down a Himalayan peak with a half dozen Trouble Bubbles on their tail! Snake-Eyes and his team carve out their own bloody corner of Cobra Civil War! โ€

โ€”The description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.

Detailed summary

  • Synopsis not yet written.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra
  • Cobra Troopers (9)
  • Dice (2)
  • Khallikhan (4)
  • Pilots (11)
  • Slice (1)
  • Snow Serpents (6)
  • Tele-Viper (10)

Memorable quotes

  • None yet.

Other Notes


  • No errors known.

Items of note

  • Deaths: Slice, Vikrim Khallikan

Real-world references

  • No references.

Footnotes and References
