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โ€œ Duke and Snake-Eyes have arrived in Albania, bringing Rodrigo Vargas to the labs at Ray Pharm where the Madness Bug was created. Racing the clock to find the cure, Snake-Eyes leads the charge as Duke slowly worsens... but Cobra won't give up the antidote without a fight! โ€

โ€”The description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.

Detailed summary

  • Synopsis not yet written.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra Civilians Others
  • Cobra Troopers (13)
  • Dr. Vargas (6)
  • Prime Consul (9)
  • Scientists (11)
  • Security guards (10)
  • Toxo-Vipers (14)
  • Vipers (12)
  • Albanian border guards (3)
  • Kwinn (4)
  • Zimbabweans (7)
  • UN members (8)

Memorable quotes

  • None yet.

Other Notes


  • No errors known.

Items of note

  • First appearance: Toxo-Vipers
  • With the fifth issue, the term "Vol. 2" was dropped from the official title (as evident on the interior masthead). However, due to Joepedia's naming structure and to reduce confusion with the first volume (which was set in the movie continuity), the article names for G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes issues #5 through 7 set in this series will retain the term.

Real-world references

  • No references.

Footnotes and References
