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โ€œ The "Cobra Civil War" continues! A deadly competition within Cobra means trouble for the Joes as they become the snake's primary targets. Cobra's new leader will be chosen through a trial by combat and the score is tallied in blood. The body count is rising and the Joes don't even know the game has begun! โ€

โ€”The description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.

Detailed summary

  • Synopsis not yet written.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra

Memorable quotes

  • None yet.

Other Notes


  • The sacrificial Joes on Bravo team change shirts between panels.
  • While in the cafeteria Scarlett's new armored tank top switches back temporarily to her normal outfit.
  • The front of Helix's outfit changes colors.

Items of note

  • First appearance: Hash, Hammerlock, Apeface, Mojo, Dragon
  • Death of Shareware.
  • It's revealed that Cobra Commander was a prominent figure to the world at large, not just within the ranks of Cobra.


Real-world references

  • No references.

Footnotes and References
