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โ€œ ALL HAIL COBRA COMMANDER! As the Cobra Civil War draws to a close, the Cobra council must make a decision and elect one victorious candidate... but all is not as it seems within the ranks of Cobra High Command. Back-stabbbing, unexpected twists and dangerous revelations lead to a tense standoff between candidates... but only one shall rise to the rank of Cobra Commander! โ€

โ€”The description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.

Detailed summary

  • Synopsis not yet written.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra Civilians
  • Government overseers (4)

Memorable quotes

  • None yet.

Other Notes


  • No errors known.

Items of note

  • First appearance: Barricade.
  • The new Cobra Commander is named.
  • This issue seems to spoil the end of the current arc with Dr. Vargas in Snake-Eyes.

Real-world references

  • No references.

Footnotes and References
