
You call this a report?!

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โ€œ Action at crush depth as Shipwreck and his crew board a massive Cobra submarine to take control. But the clock is ticking as a nuke set in a deep underwater trench could blow, killing them and dooming Scarlett and Ripcord. This special image [sic] and its incentive cover pay homage to the classic G.I. Joe #21 "silent issue" from yesteryear! โ€

โ€”The description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.

Detailed summary

  • Synopsis not yet written.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra
  • Captain Vicuna (8)
  • Cobra submariners (7)
  • Vipers (6)

Memorable quotes

Cover Girl: "What happens if we can't stop sinking?"
Torpedo: "We drop deeper and pick up speed as we do. A tub this big? We'll impact the bottom at three hundred miles an hour."
Shipwreck: "'course, we'll all be squashed flatter than bacon long before that."
Cover Girl: "So, there is an upside."

Other Notes


  • Despite what the solicitation promised, nothing about the published cover pays homage to G.I. Joe #21.

Items of note

  • First appearance: Captain Vicuna.
  • First mention of "Section Prime."
  • The first five pages of this issue are entirely silent. The rest? Very, very noisy.

Real-world references

  • When Shipwreck is trying to talk the sinking sub into restarting, Torpedo tells him to try it in Russian, a reference to The Hunt for Red October.
  • It's true that one of the immediate signs of a pending tsunami are all the coastal waters receding to an extreme amount, leaving boats, fish, and in this case coral suddenly landlocked.

G.I. Joe references

Footnotes and References
