
You call this a report?!

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โ€œ The new Chameleon takes center stage as Major Bludd starts making serious moves, upping his game and wreaking havoc on the Joes! And all the while, Steeler is caught smack in the middle of all the pandemonium that is Cobra Civil War! โ€

โ€”The description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.

Detailed summary

  • Synopsis not yet written.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe Cobra Civilians
  • Pickup driver (5)

Memorable quotes

"So, you're our tame Cobra."
"Yes, but don't worry. I was brought here in my bathrobe to ensure I couldn't assassinate you through the television."

--Hawk is still reluctant to meet face-to-face with Chameleon.

Other Notes


  • No errors known.

Items of note

  • This issue was released to some shops on September 14, 2011, but wasn't actually on the shipping schedule until the 21st.

Real-world references

GJCob3 IDW05ri

Retailer incentive cover

Footnotes and References
