Infestation 1A

Snake-Eyes, Optimus Prime and two mystery guests.

Infestation is a multi-property crossover event that includes most of IDW Publishing's licensed properties. An outbreak of zombies from the Zombies vs. Robots world breaks into other dimensions, including the realities of Transformers, Star Trek, G.I. Joe, and Ghostbusters, among potential others. An eight-page preview was released in November 2010.

The crossover event includes a two-part bookend story called simply Infestation, between which two-part stories from each property will be told. Interaction between properties is limited until the final issue of the bookend story.

#0 | #1 | #2
Transformers: Infestation
#1 | #2
Star Trek: Infestation
#1 | #2
G.I. Joe: Infestation
#1 | #2
Ghostbusters: Infestation
#1 | #2


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Creative team[]

Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (who used to work on most of these properties decades ago for Marvel UK) are the brainchilds behind this series and the writers of Infestation issues 1 and 2. Mike Raicht wrote the G.I. Joe portion of the story, and Giovanni Timpano provided the art.

External links[]

