The name Mainframe refers to several versions of the same character.
For a list of the other versions, see Mainframe.

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Mainframe is a G.I. Joe character from the A Real American Hero series.
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The stereotypical techno-geeks are assumed to be nerds who lack basic social skills, are physically unfit, unable to put up a fight and are obsessed more with technology and intellect. Mainframe is well known for his techno-speak and thorough knowledge of computer technology. To assume that he fits the stereotype is wrong. He was a soldier long before he became invested in information technology. He has what it takes to fight and rough it out with the rest of the boys.

Mainframe served in the US Army and actually had two tours of duty before getting his degree at MIT and having a successful stint in the private sector. He was utterly bored with his life when the US Marine Corps had a posting for new recruits with technology skills. He quickly signed up.


A Real American Hero continuity[]

Marvel Comics continuity[]

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Devil's Due Comics continuity[]

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IDW RAH continuity[]

When Cobra enacts a plan that put them at the forefront of providing security for the United States, the Joes are declared renegades and are hunted down. Mainframe is the among the first Joes to resurface.[1] Upon instructions from Hawk, he meets with other Joes for a rendezvous and leads a strike team into the Silent Castle battling B.A.T.s.[2] Mainframe taps into Cobra's computer network from which he was able to download files that exposed Cobra's main goal and clear the Joes of charges.[3]

Upon getting back to the US, the G.I. Joe Team is reactivated and Mainframe is helping restore the Pit to full operation. The Joes were able to capture the Baroness and is held in a cell in the Pit. The Baroness broke the surveillance camera in her cell and somehow landed a small signal device on Mainframe's helmet.[4] Despite the Joes' efforts, she escaped.

G.I. Joe vs. Transformers[]

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Action Force (British) Comics continuity[]

Mainframe was part of a W.H.A.L.E. crew captured by a squad of Cobras seeking a Tactical Analysis Computer System (T.A.C.S.) unit to discover Ministry of Defence secrets. The team escaped and Mainframe tricked Cobra Commander into destroying the device before it could be used.[5] He was then part of an infiltration team who recaptured an Arabian oil terminal from Cobra and prevented it from being exploded to ignite the oil fields.[6]

Animated continuity[]

Sunbow animated series[]

Voiced by: Patrick Pinney

Mainframe from the A Real American Hero animated continuity.


One of the technology experts introduced in season two, he was usually seen with Dial-Tone more than with the other Joes. He also had a run-in with Zartan's sister Zarana when she posed as a Sgt. Carol Weaver during a plot to steal an Antimatter device.

Romancing the enemy

Mainframe and a disguised Zarana


Generation 1
Mainframe A Real American Hero (1986)

Mainframe was first released as part of the 1986 series of A Real American Hero toys. He was also available in 1987 and was discontinued in 1988.

Appearance: black helmet; grey short-sleeved shirt; black diagonal strap and gloves; grey pants with black belt, holster

Accessories: large, angular grey BP75E Field Transmitter Receiver Unit tech backpack with antenna; grey portable combat-ready computer with handle; small black communicator with peg for hose; standard long, black hose. page/Filecard

Mainframe Special Mission: Brazil (1986)

Mainframe was released as part of the 1986 series, in the Toys "Я" Us exclusive "Special Mission: Brazil" boxed set. The boxed set also included Claymore, Dial-Tone, Leatherneck, and Wet-Suit.

Appearance: red helmet; beige short-sleeved shirt; red diagonal strap and black gloves; red pants and belt, with grey holster

Accessories: large, angular grey tech backpack with antenna; grey portable computer with handle; small black communicator with peg for hose; standard long, black hose. page/Filecard


  • Working names included CHIP, Big-Byte and Relay.
  • 1986 Mainframe wears an Army Combat Infantry badge, earned while in prior service with the Army.[7]
  • The writers' guide for the Sunbow series suggested that Main-Frame [sic] and Zarana would "deliberately avoid harming one another" and "even provide the other an opportunity to escape" whenever they encountered each other after their romantic interlude. However, "such compassion and generosity on their part does bit [sic] extend to other Joes, Dreadnoks, or Cobra troopers.".[8]
  • The Season 5 episode of the CBS television program NCIS that aired October 16, 2007 - "Identity Crisis" - assigned many of the guest stars and incidental characters the names of G.I. Joe characters. Although no character was ever seen, the name "Blaine Parker" was mentioned as a famous and well-respected tattoo artist working in Boston.

See Also[]

External links[]

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  1. A Real American Hero #156
  2. A Real American Hero #158
  3. A Real American Hero #159
  4. A Real American Hero #164
  5. War beneath the Waves
  6. Nights in Armour!
  7. GI Joe regulations are lax on uniforms unless among non-GI Joe soldiers or in-transit to/from The Pit. Wearing a rightfully earned combat badge would be allowed given the clothing of the Joe team
  8. Steve Gerber, G.I. Joe Writers' Guide (Sunbow Productions, Inc., 1985), 14-15. Available as a PDF at

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