Oscar Goldman - IDW - RAH vs

Oscar Golman in G.I. Joe vs Bionic Man #2

Oscar Goldman is the Director of Operations at the OSI. The character was created by Martin Caidin and introduced in the first Cyborg novel (in which he is described as director of the OSO). When the novel was adapted as the first pilot telefilm the character was replaced by another, Oliver Spencer (see "Deconstructed", below). Goldman made his television debut in the second pilot film, Wine, Women and War and appeared in virtually all episodes of The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman that followed, as well as the later reunion movies. Richard Anderson is, to date, the only actor to have ever played the character on screen.


The Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) is a semi-secret organization under the direction of Oscar Goldman and through which Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers perform operative duties.


As the Bionic Man's boss, Oscar Goldman appears in the G.I. Joe vs. The Six Million Dollar Man comics from IDW/Dynamite.

Oscar Goldman also appears in The Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman comics from both Dymanite and Charlton.

