Red Shadows are the core infantry of the the Red Shadows organization.
Action Force[]
The Red Shadows troops are the backbone of Baron Ironblood's infantry forces. They are the dregs of humanity, recruited from the mercenary and criminal underworlds all around the world. Initially drawn by promises of riches, these men are subjected to extreme brainwashing techniques and a punishing training schedule intended to transform them into unthinking minions. Under the command of the Black Major, they're relentless in battle, suicidal, and utterly unstoppable, driven only by the desire to conquer - or die - for their master.

Red Shadows troops storm a beach.
Potential candidates for Red Shadows are sent into an obstacle course filled with traps, such as machine gun nests and anti-personnel mines with the use of other hazards such as broken bridges, piranhas, and grenades tied from nests above trees. Both Baron Ironblood and the Black Major weed out candidates unworthy of being Red Shadow soldiers by letting them die in the traps or shooting them with small arms.

The Red Shadows recruit from the dregs of society.
Transition to Cobra[]
Eventually, Baron Ironblood betrayed the Red Shadows, leaking information about their bases and intentions to the UN. As the Shadows are under attack, Ironblood goes into hiding and constructs a new identity for himself, becoming Cobra Commander, and creating Cobra as a new enemy force.
The Black Major (a former traitor from Action Force), Red Laser, and Red Vulture re-grouped the Red Shadows. They sought revenge against Cobra Commander and the newly-amalgamated 'AF' whilst prominent Red Shadow character Red Jackal was transformed to Destro and joined Cobra. The Red Shadows fought alongside the Nazis against both Cobra and Action Force.
Devil's Due[]
This incarnation of the Red Shadows bears little resemblance to the Red Shadows organization that fought the UK Action Force. They are portrayed as an independent organization that has no ties to Cobra.
Generation 1 | |
Action Force (1983)
Appearance: All red suit, with black belt, harness, shoulders, collar, and boots. Red 'Jerry' style helmet, with skull-and-crossbones on black field (at front), a red face-plate, with black visor and white lenses. A pair of black "stick grenades" appears on belt. Accessories: Bazooka, and black "AMMO" case. | |
Generation 2 | |
Vacation in the Shadows Boxed Set (2010)
Red Shadows was released as part of the 2010 International G.I.Joe Convention (Providence, RI) exclusive Vacation in the Shadows box set from the Official G.I. Joe Collectors' Club. Appearance: All red suit, with black belt, harness, shoulders, collar, boots and low-hanging holster. Red 'Jerry' style helmet, with skull-and-crossbones on black field (at front), a red face-plate, with black visor and white lenses. Silver grenade on harness. Accessories: Two-piece black recoilless rifle, a black submachine gun with two black magazines, two black grenades, a red satchel, and a clear display stand. |